Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing: too much sex and rotting of 2nd chakra

Interesting! This is certainly necessary in promiscuous America...

I can see auras and once I was watching the 2nd chakra of someone who sleeps around a lot, for many years, with all kinds of nasty peeps. The chakra of this person looked like it was ... some dead wood, like many moldy, whitish "tentacles" all tangled up, in very ugly sickening looking dull shade of white-gray. Having any physical or emotional contact with this person automatically makes you INFECTED with that energy of DECAY.

As I was watching, I was wondering HOW will the person cleanse themselves from that? and how will they get healthy again...? It seemed pretty hopeless? but God must surely provide a way, although sometimes, some things are irreversible. e.g. if you break a bone, if you lose a tooth - that's it. So a person with this kind of decay might have lost something they won't be able to recoup.

Parents can help or not...

My own father is deaf so he suffers from anger that deaf peeps are prone to, and so every argument with him ended with - "you don't know anything and you will FAIL always and then you will see I was right." It really was like a CURSE....

My mother also finished practically every conversation with "nobody loves you EXCEPT your mother. Men are there to exploit you and everyone else just wants something from you."
She proved herself wrong (for millionth time) just several days ago when she told me not to come to visit them now....

And my evil grandmother: "you are nobody and nothing, just like your mother"
and my evil aunt, who treated me as if I was a servant girl... she never gave me anything new, only her old clothes.. and she was advertising herself as generous... It was FUN for her to act smug as a diva and to have me kiss her ass, just bc she was a little kind and gave me scraps and I was happy.... ..bc nobody else was even kind... e.g. she would go on vacation abroad and bring me one little chocolate or a bag of candies... and I felt really grateful and showed my gratitude.

These are all victims of wars... and are really really damaged. Regardless -

So here are all these morons, really, trying to drag you down TO LIFT THEMSELVES UP, TRYING TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL GOOD.

Immature adults are really really harmful to the children.

I remember watching my little neighbor trying to catch attention of his father and father physically moving himself so that he didn't have to deal with the kid... The boy later became a junkie.